Category: Photo Blog

Back to black and white
The little Ricoh GR renders such beautiful colors, that for a long while I stopped producing black and white images, but I felt it was time I got back on the wagon. The GR preview mode has a very nice black and white setting (via effects) to help you set up your frames with b&w in […]

Long overdue post
I apologize in advance for the long post, but that’s what happens when you never find the time. It’s been a very busy and difficult time. Things have been tough all around Greece, dealing with a double crisis, and on our small island, most of us have been busy, ceaselessly tending to our work while […]

The PIKPA building
The PIKPA project in Leros was made possible by the coordinated efforts of Matina Katsiveli and the members of the Leros Solidarity Network, with significant contributions by organizations and individuals who chose to invest their money in a project aimed at safeguarding the refugees’ basic human rights, treating them with respect and making sure that […]

Another day of solidarity
Only two days have passed after the events in Paris, and journalists have arrived on our small island by the dozens, looking for a story -some piece of information linking to the notorious “Syrian passport” found at the attack scene. It was strange to suddenly be bombarded with questions about the situation in Leros by […]

Syrian Refugee Crisis: A day at the camp
I live in Leros, one of the islands in Greece heavily affected by the Syrian Refugee crisis. I am also part of the Leros Solidarity Network (Facebook: lerossn) which, in coordination with a number of organizations (UNHCR, MSF, etc.) and a multitude of volunteers from all around the world, has been helping literally hundreds of people […]

Some October shots
a small and perfect wasp factory: and some more Yoshimis:

Sunday breakfasts, summer fog inter alia
first some photos from a Sunday visit at the wonderful Archontiko Angelou, a place out of time and space: the fog (in the middle of the day, in the middle of the summer, in Leros): and, finally, the “alia”:

the latest addition to our family, Yoshimi: and some other black and whites: