Category: Photo Blog

Take it as it comes

I botched the developer mix this time (don’t know exactly what went wrong, but something clearly did). Four films were “ruined”, looking like they were shot at iso 12800. Oh well, shit happens, and I was bound to get a “bad batch” after so many years of developing. If there’s nothing you can do about […]

Analog lately

a selection of 35mm and 120mm photos, shot between December-January with the Nikon F3 & the Rolleiflex. Athens: SNFCC: Leros:

Summer Post (Part ii – B&W Film)

Back with part ii of the big summer post. First time I’ve used Kodak D76 developer. Not too shabby! First, here are some medium format shots with the Rolleiflex, with Ioanna, Nick & Orestis: met this beautiful dog at the beach: and now, a whole bunch of candids on 35mm film with the Olympus mjuii: […]

Big summer post (part i)

It’s been quite a while since I last updated this blog, so here goes. The post consists of photos from the entire summer of 2017, and it is “part i,” because there’s still a lot of black and white films left to develop and scan (coming in part ii). Enjoy :) First, here are some […]

Rolleiflex and other black and whites

Lately, I’ve been working on my darkroom and scanning workflow, trying out chemicals etc. I think it’s been paying off, and I’m excited to keep shooting film again. Here are the Rolleiflex shots first: some nikon F3, with the precious Voigtlander 20mm: and, of course, the adorable Lomo sprocket rocket (very very decent lens!):

Leros Solidarity Network Costume Party @ PIKPA

On a lovely Saturday afternoon, everyone gathered at the PIKPA building in Leros for a heartwarming children’s costume party. Learn more about the Leros Solidarity Network and our actions in support of refugees here – It is great to shoot these kids, they love having their picture taken and, when you show them the pics […]

a couple of forgotten films

finally got round to developing some left-over black and white films. It took me a while to remember how to use chemicals, but I got there. Hopefully there’ll be some new films soon. Sprocket Rocket: Rolleiflex: and some 35mm, show with the Nikon F3:

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