Category: Photo Blog

M6 + Rollei 100 City Details, Parking and Super Marketing

A testament to the dogs’ unique ability to just lie there as if no car has ever passed that spot even though I passed that spot with the car 30 seconds ago and another one came by after a minute: Finishing up the last 2 Rollei Retro 100 films. Hadn’t tried them before. Not a […]


excuse the random post but I’m very excited about the m6 (as you can see from the raised eyebrow) I just got my bulk film order (see below) and can’t wait to shoot tri-x around Athens :)

Half and Half

Half the film was shot 10 months ago, then left in the camera and the other half shot now:

Happy New Year + blurb book

HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!! A Decade of Shooting by Agelis Tsotras A Decade of Shooting by Agelis Tsotras | Make Your Own Book 160 pages, 270 photos. My own order arrived and I have to say I was pretty happy with the results. Out of the 270 photos I was disappointed with the printing outcome […]

Voigtlander 20mm f/3.5 SL2 SL II

traded in some old AF lenses I never used for the MF Voigtlander 20mm f/3.5 SL2 SL II. I was looking for a lens to handle landscapes and long exposures well, and was very intrigued by the size of this lens. It’s really tiny! First shots on the d700 are very positive. I used to […]