Category: Photo Blog


Last Day of Summer
we found this little guy (at least we think it’s a guy, there’s a hint of tiny balls but we’ll see) crying his heart out in the middle of an alley. We searched everywhere for his mother or any sign of other newborns but we found nothing. He looks around 2-3 days old tops. He […]

F3: M6:

Dekapentavgoustos, Italian Feasts, Perfect Weather & Lee

and some digital:

@ Panagia Kavouradena and some other pics from this weekend:

Short Sunday Post

mixed my first batch of xtol 5lt, seeing tremendous improvement in grain and sharpness. tri-x was practically unusable with rodinal when taking day shots with plenty of sky. Now the sky is clear once again. Also neopan 1600 was ridiculously noisy with rodinal (it’s not designed for high iso or pushing). First the tri-x: neopans: […]

scan joe he rows
Lida changing film in the Rollei under the bright sun of the beach ninja style: