The little Ricoh GR renders such beautiful colors, that for a long while I stopped producing black and white images, but I felt it was time I got back on the wagon. The GR preview mode has a very nice black and white setting (via effects) to help you set up your frames with b&w in mind. Also, it’s the first digital camera I’ve owned (with RAW capability) offering a 1:1 photo ratio which produces a square raw file. Finally, I can set up 1:1 photos directly from the camera’s viewer (something you could do for years on your phone, but for some reason not on professional DSLRs…). Excuse the kitty spam, but little Mingus is the latest addition to our family and he’s been getting a lot of attention. With his pitch black fur, this little menace will test any camera’s shadows to the limits :)
Here’s three 1:1 crops, straight from the camera:
plus the kitties:
finally, some extra, random, kitties :)